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</script> <script language=javascript> function check_input() { if (frm.pic.value=="") { alert("请选择要上传的图片"); return false; } if (frm.type.value=="") { alert("请选择图片类型"); return false; } if (frm.thetext.value=="") { alert("请输入照片说明"); return false; } return true; } </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#555555" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0">
<table width=755 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=#ffffff align="center"> <tr> <td height=100><img src="img/top.gif" align="top"> </table> <!--#include file="inc/mulu.asp"-->
<table width=755 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=#ffffff align="center" bordercolor=#000000> <tr> <td height=400 width=180 bgcolor=#d1e9d5 style="border-right: 1px #0e801e solid"> <table width=100% height=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align="center" bordercolor=#000000> <tr><td height=30 align="center" class=l15><font color=#e96d08>欢迎你:<% =username %> 管理中心</font> <tr><td height=23 align="center" class=l15 bgcolor=#4cad12 style="border-top:0px #0e801e solid; border-bottom:1px #0e801e solid;"><font color=#c2f009 class=yinying>管 理 中 心</font> <tr><td height=20 class=l13> <!--#include file="inc/centermulu.asp"--> <tr><td height=5> <tr><td> </table> <td> <% set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sql="select * from photo where author='"&username&"'" rs.open sql,conn,1,1 %> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=100% height=100%> <tr><td height=3> <tr><td height=3 bgcolor=#ffffff background=img/bj3.gif> <tr><td height=20 valign="bottom" bgcolor=#eeeeee> 现在位置: ******班 - 管理中心 - 添加新闻 <tr><td height=3 bgcolor=#eeeeee style="border-bottom: 1px #cccccc solid"><p style="font-size:1pt"> <tr><td height=20 valign="bottom"> <font color=green><% =username %>:你一共上传了 <font color=red><% =rs.recordcount %></font> 张照片</font> <a href="adminphoto.asp"><font color=red><u>管理以前上传的照片</u></font></a> <tr><td bgcolor=#ffffff valign=top> <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width=95% height=100% align="center"> <form action=addphoto.asp method=post name=frm onsubmit="return check_input()" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <tr><td height=20 colspan=2> <tr><td height=25 width=15% align="right" class=l13>选择照片: <td> <input name="pic" type="file" class="tx1" style="width:300"> <font color=red>拒绝色情、写真图等</font> <tr><td height=25 width=20% align="right" class=l13>照片分类: <td> <select name="type">
<option selected value="">选择类型</option> <option value="班级合影">班级合影</option> <option value="个人照片">个人照片</option> <option value="恩师照片">恩师照片</option> <option value="情人照片">情人照片</option> <option value="友人照片">友人照片</option> <option value="其他照片">其他照片</option> </select> <tr><td height=25 width=20% align="right" class=l13>照片说明: <td> <textarea name="thetext" cols="46" rows="7" style="border:1px double rgb(88,88,88);font:14px">
</textarea> <font color=red>最多20个字符</font> <tr><td height=5 colspan=2> <tr><td height=25 colspan=2 align="center"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value=" 提 交 " style="border:1px double rgb(88,88,88);font:14px"> <input type="reset" name="reset" value=" 重 写 " style="border:1px double rgb(88,88,88);font:14px"> <tr><td colspan=2> </tr></form> </table> </table> </table>
<!--#include file="inc/footer.asp"--> </body> </html> fupload.inc <script runat=server language=vbscript>
'限制上传图片大小 dim uploadsizelimit '********************************** 得到上传数据 **********************************
function getupload() dim result set result = nothing if request.servervariables("request_method") = "post" then 'request method must be "post" dim ct, posb, boundary, length, pose ct = request.servervariables("http_content_type") 'reads content-type header if lcase(left(ct, 19)) = "multipart/form-data" then 'content-type header must be "multipart/form-data" 'this is upload request. 'get the boundary and length from content-type header posb = instr(lcase(ct), "boundary=") 'finds boundary if posb > 0 then boundary = mid(ct, posb + 9) 'separetes boundary length = clng(request.servervariables("http_content_length")) 'get content-length header if "" & uploadsizelimit<>"" then uploadsizelimit = clng(uploadsizelimit) if length > uploadsizelimit then ' on error resume next 'clears the input buffer ' response.addheader "connection", "close" ' on error goto 0 request.binaryread(length) err.raise 2, "getupload", "upload size " & formatnumber(length,0) & "b exceeds limit of " & formatnumber(uploadsizelimit,0) & "b" exit function end if end if if length > 0 and boundary <> "" then 'are there required informations about upload ?
boundary = "--" & boundary dim head, binary binary = request.binaryread(length) 'reads binary data from client 'retrieves the upload fields from binary data
set result = separatefields(binary, boundary) binary = empty 'clear variables else err.raise 10, "getupload", "zero length request ." end if else err.raise 11, "getupload", "no file sent." end if else err.raise 1, "getupload", "bad request method." end if set getupload = result end function function separatefields(binary, boundary) dim posopenboundary, poscloseboundary, posendofheader, islastboundary dim fields boundary = stringtobinary(boundary) posopenboundary = instrb(binary, boundary)
poscloseboundary = instrb(posopenboundary + lenb(boundary), binary, boundary, 0) set fields = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
do while (posopenboundary > 0 and poscloseboundary > 0 and not islastboundary)
'header and file/source field data dim headercontent, fieldcontent 'header fields dim content_disposition, formfieldname, sourcefilename, content_type 'helping variables dim field, twocharsafterendboundary 'get end of header posendofheader = instrb(posopenboundary + len(boundary), binary, stringtobinary(vbcrlf + vbcrlf)) 'separates field header
headercontent = midb(binary, posopenboundary + lenb(boundary) + 2, posendofheader - posopenboundary - lenb(boundary) - 2) 'separates field content
fieldcontent = midb(binary, (posendofheader + 4), poscloseboundary - (posendofheader + 4) - 2) 'separates header fields from header
该文章在 2010/7/24 8:28:55 编辑过 |